What is Bujinkan?
The Bujinkan (武神館) is an international martial arts organization based in Japan and headed by Masaaki Hatsumi, it is best known for its association with ninjutsu. The system taught by this group, called Bujinkan Budō Tai jutsu, consists of nine separate martial arts traditions.
What is Budo Taijutsu?
Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu practice aims to develop the skills to protect ones self and others, through the use of techniques which often focus on the use of body movement and positioning over strength in order to defeat the opponent.
Specifically Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu is mostly known for teaching koshi jutsu (joint manipulation art), koppo jutsu (bone manipulation art), jutai jutsu (throwing, grappling, ground fighting), dakentai jutsu (strikes), happo biken jutsu (various modern and traditional weapons), and ninpo tactics and strategies (Ninjutsu). The depth of training in the Bujinkan, is designed to open the eyes of the student to the endless possibilities and potential in all situations.
The first levels of training such as leaping, tumbling, proper fall techniques, body conditioning form the basis for Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu, these techniques are necessary in order to progress into other techniques such as the use of tools and weapons. Once learned, these techniques can be applied to any situation, armed or unarmed.
Training is based primarily on two partners practicing pre-arranged forms (waza) and then advancing to unlimited variations of those forms (“Henka”). The basic pattern is for the receiver of the technique (uke) to initiate an attack against the person who applies the technique – the 取り tori.